Since 2015 Future Entertainment Pty Ltd, (Sydney, Australia) has been making and updating Traktomizer.

Traktomizer takes a look at music through the subscription music platform lens to inform artists about the likely success of music they releae on Spotify, Pandora, Google Music, Apple Music, Deezer, 7 Digital and many more streaming music outlets. Traktomizer is placed in professional music production studios, providing accurate insights into how song-suggesting algorithms, like Spotify’s Playlist Bots, are likely to favour auto-selection and therefore, organic, free, plays.

With these insights artists are now able to optimise critical audio features in advance of publishing, to render their published works with a predisposition for maximum choice-worthiness and auto-playlist-selection and suggestion, which is tantamount to implementing Search Engine Optimisations (SEO) to achieve the highest possible organic music platform rankings. Optimisations are implemented by and at the discretion of the artist and may be achieved without impinging on artistic freedoms.

Traktomizer has been in constant development since early 2014 and was conceived and is programmed by Music Producer, Steve Freedom. The work continues…