Release Your Songs With Organic Growth Built In!
because 70% of music is passively heard, algorithmic organic plays is key to every artist’s success
Traktomizer takes a look at your music through the algorithm’s lens to help drive your song’s automatic, organic and free recommendations.
Grow Organically. Forever. For Free
Unlock the Power of Traktomizer – Your Ultimate Partner for Organic Growth and Success with Streaming Music
Traktomizer identifies strengths, weaknesses and suggests improvements before you publish your music.
Instantly gauge your song’s chartability rating. Measure potential, gain confidence in each production stage. Maximize earnings without compromising artistic freedom. Boost visibility on top platforms. Get Traktomizer today and grow your fanbase organically, forever!
Effortlessly benchmark up to 50 songs at once and experience unparalleled efficiency. Take your local database to new heights by enriching it with detailed meta-data for every song you benchmark. Say goodbye to benchmarking any unwanted songs and hello to seamless optimization.
With our advanced batch identification system, explore danceability, acousticness, instrumentalness, valence, duration, energy, liveness, loudness, speechiness, tempo, mood, instrumental/vocal ratio, genre, and sub-genre. Gain deeper insights into the music you love.
Explore your songs with beautiful charts.
Benchmark 100 Million Songs
Explore your audio with lightening-fast OpenGL and compare your songs side-by-side with every song you benchmark during mixing and mastering.
For Recording Artists, Record Labels
and Music Studio Professionals
For Music Listeners and Digital
Music Library Owners
NEW Batch Audio Analyser CLI
Command-line audio analysis for Windows and Macintosh Music Library Owners
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